VITROPERM-Cores for Power Transformers

Nanocrystalline cores feature a high flux density, excellent temperatur stability, low losses and a low sensistivity against mechanical stresses. This allows e. g. the use of hard resins with good electrical properties. The ring form combined with the material inherent high permeability values is of advantage for pulse transformers with low stray inductivity and thus small current raise times.

Other applications for nanocrystalline power transformer cores are IGBT driven push-pull transformers in the kW range, e. g. for telecommunication base stations or power supplies in trains and other vehicles and trigger transformers.

VITROPERM®-Cores for Power Transformers

Part number Nominal size Effective cross section Magnetic path length Core weight AL,Nenn
(100 kHz)
Effective winding space Mean copper path Heat transfer restance
T60004-L2 da x di x h AFe lFe mFe AL ACu lCu Rth, typisch
... [mm³] [cm²] [cm] [g] [µH] [cm²] [cm] [K/W]
016-W373 16 x 10 x 6 0,14 4,08 4,3 10,0 0,2 3,2 33,0
020-W374 20 x 12.5 x 8 0,24 5,11 9 13,0 0,3 4,0 23,0
025-W375 25 x 16 x 10 0,36 6,44 17 16,0 0,6 4,8 16,0
030-W376 30 x 20 x 15 0,57 7,85 33 20,0 0,9 6,4 11,0
040-W433 40 x 25 x 15 0,86 10,2 64 23,0 1,5 7,2 7,5
050-W434 50 x 40 x 20 0,76 14,1 79 15,0 4,1 9,0 4,5
052-W827 52 x 40 x 25 1,14 14,5 121 22,0 4,1 10,2 4,1
063-W435 63 x 50 x 25 1,24 17,8 161 19,0 6,4 11,1 3,1
080-W436 80 x 63 x 25 1,62 22,5 267 20,0 10,4 12,6 2,2
100-W342 100 x 80 x 25 1,9 28,3 395 19,0 16,4 14,6 1,6
130-W352 130 x 100 x 25 2,85 36,1 757 22,0 26,3 17,2 1,1
160-W758 160 x 110 x 25 4,75 36,1 1480 31,0 32,5 19,9 0,8


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